TU Delft


Objective Driver Observation

TU Delft - Delft University of Technology

Location Delft, The Netherlands
Website www.tudelft.nl / www.bmeche.tudelft.nl
Description The faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3ME) and the faculty of Aerospace Engineering (AE) provide academic education at bachelor & master level. The faculties 3ME and AE have a long term cooperation in HMI research.
Core activities Human factors for Automotive, Aerospace and Biomedical applications focussing on HMI development and evaluation, human modelling, driver/pilot training, safety.
Markets Automotive, Aerospace, Biomedical etc
Contact dr.ir. R Happee, ir. P van Leeuwen, dr.ir. J.C.F. de Winter, dr. D.A. Abbink, prof dr. F.C.T. van der Helm
BioMechanical Engineering, Fac. Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3ME)
Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
Phone +31 15 2783213 (office), +31 6 20493500 (mobile)
Email: R.Happee@tudelft.nl

dr.ir H Damveld, prof dr ir M. (Max) Mulder
Control & Simulation, Aerospace Human-Machine Systems, Fac. Aerospace Engineering (AE)
Phone +31 15 278 9471
Email: M.Mulder@tudelft.nl